Program of the show at St-Honorine

Publié le par phuong oanh

Program of St Honorine 8/10/2006

Phương Oanh, Ngọc Dung, Trang Đức, Hiếu, Kim Châu

Bích Thuận...

    In the history of the construction of Vietnam, one could count a multitude of engagements against the interferences and the invasions of the powerful foreign countries. There were so many hero and heroins which had invited the people to be raised and to link itself to defend the fatherland and its borders...

    About the time " Đông Hán", several thousands of years ago of that, had conquered and had returned to slave the Vietnamese people. In the area of "Cử Chân", there was a General named Thi Sách who refused to go to Chinese (Hán), there was carried out. His wife Trưng Trắc had then raised the Vietnamese people to fight the Chinese invaders in order to avenge her husband and the fatherland.

    Extract of "Recognition towards my late husband and debts towards my fatherland", a representation in solo of the artist Bích Thuận.


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